
In 2006, the South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Group (Region L) failed to approve its regional water plan for inclusion in the state water plan – the first time such an impasse had occurred. The regional plan was needed for water entities in the 20 ½ counties to quality for state loans from the Texas Water Development Board. State water plans cover a 50-year horizon and are updated every five years, so Region L knew the stakes were high for the 2011 regional plan.
LRPR strengthened Region L’s public outreach process in two key areas to ensure public input early in the planning cycle and avoid irreconcilable differences late in the five-year cycle.
- Overhauled the Region L website ( to make it easier to use – including finding meeting dates and commenting on technical studies.
- Developed a public comment database that systematically organized public comments on the 2011 Regional Water Plan, based on water management strategies in the plan.
Region L met the 2010 deadline for submitting its Regional Water Plan to the Texas Water Development Board. Public comments are posted prominently on the website.