The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality wanted to increase participation in its Source Water Assessment and Protection program among public water systems. The SWAP program helps water systems identify potential contaminants to water sources and reduce contamination risks. Because the SWAP program is voluntary, its benefits must be demonstrated to water systems before they are willing to implement it. Substantial evidence of implementation is needed by TCEQ to fulfill requirements set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Laura Raun Public Relations was invited to team up with Atkins and LBG-Guyton in carrying out the SWAP program for TCEQ. LRPR facilitated about 70 meetings with public water systems, including preparation of meeting materials.
In addition, we assisted water systems in implementing best management practices to reduce contamination risks. These included public education materials.
LRPR also led development of the Source Water Protection webtool, an online-registration tool for participation in the SWAP program.
In additional, a Public Involvement Plan was developed to that the public received timely and accurate information about the rate review process.
During its 3-year term, LRPR and the Atkins team helped 3 times as many public water systems join the SWAP program as the prior term when another team was running the program. Water systems implemented best management practices to a much greater extent than during the previous contract.