
Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District logo

The Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District needed its enabling legislation to be amended so it could regulate groundwater wells in a manner consistent with other groundwater districts across the state. The district’s enabling legislation prevented it from issuing permits for domestic wells pumping less than 25,000 gallons, regardless of acreage, and agricultural wells, regardless of acreage or amount of water pumped.


LRPR coordinated an intensive media relations campaign that involved:

  • Focusing district communications on winning political support for a legislative amendment
  • Branding and publicizing a water conference as “Save it or Drain it”
  • Issuing a news release and photographs that were distributed to regional media outlets and followed by phone calls to confirm receipt and answer questions.


The “Save it or Drain it” campaign was featured on the front page of the Houston Chronicle, reaching over a half-million readers. LRPR worked closely with the district to organize a water conference that underscored the need for citizens to protect their aquifer’s resources.

In the subsequent election two county commissioners who challenged the district were defeated and were replaced by successors who supported the district. LRPR won a first place award from the Texas Public Relations Association for the news release developed for the district.

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